
LEO SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

At LEO Academy Trust, we have always championed inclusivity and equality in our schools through education. The LEO Academy Trust’s underpinning aims of ‘Inclusion for all’ and our value of ‘community’ reflects our commitment to embracing and celebrating diversity in all that we do.  

The LEO Trust aims to embed equality of opportunity, and create an education that provides pathways that reduce wide variations in education outcomes for protected and vulnerable groups. Together we can help everyone understand and be understood. 

Diversity is highly valued and Neurodiversity is a human right. The LEO Trust aims to provide appropriate and professional support to everyone who has protected characteristics. 

It is our intention that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve their potential through access to quality first class teaching and appropriately adapted or differentiated learning activities and approaches.

Our long term goal is to help equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to live fulfilling and independent lives, achieving the goals and aspirations that our children set for themselves, with the support of all those around them.



  • To provide full access for all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum
  • To use current research to underpin strategies to support SEND children
  • To ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified early
  • To ensure these pupils are assessed, monitored, planned for and regularly reviewed to improve outcomes and therefore make the necessary progress
  • To enable pupils with SEND to achieve their potential
  • To ensure pupils are prepared for adulthood
  • To ensure SEND pupils are equipped for life in the wider community
  • To ensure parents/carers are fully engaged in decision making, assessing progress and determining goals
  • To gain the views of the child and enable them to have a voice
  • To take into account the views, wishes and feelings of pupils/parents/carers
  • To provide advice and support for all leaders and staff working with pupils with SEND
  • To identify and refer pupils to the appropriate services where a need has been identified
  • To implement the advice of experts and professionals involved from outside of the school
  • To identify and direct parents to the best providers of support
  • To provide detailed information about the arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND
  • To support key transition points to allow them to be as smooth as possible
  • LEO SEND Strategy, January 2023
  • SEMH Support at LEO

  • LEO SEND Package and Pathways

  • Trust SEND Policy 2024



We will implement and regularly review the SEND policy, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly.

All leaders are leaders of SEND and ensure this is at the forefront of practice.

Our EYFS Lead and staff will identify children in EYFS and those that join the school later, who may have additional needs as early as possible and the SENDCo will facilitate a plan to ensure the appropriate level of support is planned for

The school SEND register is kept up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary needs, diagnosis etc.

The SENDCo will initiate and complete relevant paperwork for referrals to other services or applications for funding e.g. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), GRIPs, Inclusion funding, Speech and Language Therapy referrals and other health referrals etc.

We will coordinate support for children with special educational needs both at home and in school to ensure a holistic approach through regular meetings with parents to capture their views as well as those of the child

The SENDCo will liaise with external agencies and help the staff to implement their strategies and advice

We support teachers and teaching assistants with training and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND

Our pupil wellbeing and SEND provision is used to implement therapeutic interventions and support parental and pupil SEMH needs

Parents of SEND children are supported through relationships, FSW coaching and support, signposting and parent workshops

The SENDCo will attend LEO network meetings and other courses to keep up to date with current issues, attend regular CPD, research key SEND areas and disseminate relevant information to staff

The SENDCo will report to academy committees on the progress of SEND children and the current strengths and areas in need of developing

The LEO Inclusion lead reports to the Trust board on the progress of SEND children and the current strengths and areas in need of developing.

A flexible approach to the curriculum is taken for pupils with SEND who may need a more hands on experiential approach to learning e.g. Forest Schools, Nurture, visits to the local shop, walks around the local area etc.

Regular learning walks and book looks will take place to ensure that SEND children are well supported and making progress as well as termly tracking Meetings with Senior staff.

We will strive to ensure that children are fully prepared for the next phase of their learning and that they develop appropriate life skills to help them live with growing independence

That children will be prepared mentally and socially for the challenges that the future may bring

  LEO SEND teacher expectations



Evidenced by questionnaires, feedback, emotional screeners, internal and external monitoring, quality assurance, data and reports.

  • Our SEND children are happy, safe and have their needs met 
  • SEND children are adapted, adjusted and differentiated for to ensure, where possible, seamless access to the curriculum
  • We develop safe learning environments where difference and diversity is celebrated and all pupils are included
  • Parents feel listened to, supported and play an important role in decision making about their child
  • Through a whole child approach, those children with social, emotional and mental health needs are supported to succeed.
  • Children have a voice and feel heard – they are involved in decisions made about themselves
  • Staff are positive and have high standards for all children including those who have SEND and create effective learning opportunities for all
  • Early intervention means that we can close emerging gaps early and/or identify needs and implement support quickly
  • Positive relationships between staff, pupils, parents and wider professionals are paramount. These relationships are used to pre-empt and prevent unmet needs