School Meals

Free Lunch Graphic MP

We are committed to maintaining our Healthy Schools Award and this approach to healthy eating extends to lunchtimes.

Children can stay for school dinners or bring a packed lunch from home

You may choose a combination of Packed Lunch and School Dinners, but the pattern set must be the same each week (eg Packed Lunch Tues and Thurs, then School Dinners Mon, Wed and Fri)

If you know your child is going to be late for school and will require a school dinner please telephone the school office before 10.00 a.m. to ensure a lunch is ordered.

The school lunch service

Our school catering provision is offered to all children across the Trust by LEO Catering, our in house catering supplier.

LEO Catering Brochure

View LEO Catering menus

Paying for School Lunches

All children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to have a school dinner free of charge (currently for this academic year only, i.e. 2024-25) due to the Mayor of London's free school meal roll out for London schools only. We would ask that all parents still register their child for free school meal entitlement, if applicable, as the school receives vital funding known as Pupil Premium, which is used to raise the attainment of children. (Please see the section below "is my child eligable for Pupil Premium)


The school operates a secure payment service called Arbor. No cash or cheques can be accepted for school lunches, as parents can pay online via Arbor, although as mentioned above, no payment is required for school lunches for this academic year.  

An important notice about free school meals

Even if your child receives school meals free of charge, applying for 'free school meal entitlement' (pupil premium funding) is very important because the amount of money that the school receives from central government depends on the number of children registered as eligible for free school meals.  

The school will get an additional £1,300 of funding for every child registered as eligible for free school meals. This is called the 'Pupil Premium'. This money can be used for resources such as extra staff, books or school trips. 

This year the school will pay for all school trips and workshops for all eligible families that apply. Eligible children are also entitled to free school milk.

Although children in Reception through to Year 6 are currently eligible for free school meals, we are unable to check your eligibility for the full Pupil Premium scheme unless you complete an application form and you will be unable to claim the additional benefits of free school trips, workshops and milk.

You might think that because your child will automatically receive school meals free of charge, for this academic year, that you no longer need to register for free school meal entitlement. This is quite true, your child will still get a free meal, however if you believe that you are eligible for the extra funding in respect of your child/ren (please see some guidelines below), we still need you to register, otherwise the school will not receive the extra funding your child/ren is/are entitled to, which is used in school to 'narrow the gap' for pupils and provide additional support as necessary.

Similarly, you may feel you do not need to register as your child does not wish to have a school meal. Children don't have to take our meals if they don't want to but, if they are on our Free School Meals register, then they will still qualify for all sorts of other financial benefits throughout the year.

If you are eligible for and claim FSMs, you will also be provided with other services by the school, such as:

  • Financial support for Educational Trips
  • Free school milk
  • Access to additional support for your child's learning and/or well-being

Is my child eligible for Pupil Premium?

In order for you to receive Free School Meal entitlement and the school to receive the Pupil Premium funding, a Parent/Carer must be claiming one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit so long as you do not get Working Tax Credit and your family's annual income (as assessed by HMIR on a TC602 form) is not above £16,190. Anyone receiving working tax credit is not entitled to free school meals regardless of their income.
  • The Guaranteed Element of Pension Tax Credit.

Registration is easy!

In order to register your Child to receive Pupil Premium you will need to go to the following website and follow the instructions:

Alternatively, you can apply by phone - please call 0208 770 6953 or ask Miss Tok in the school office to help you.

Packed lunches

Lunch boxes should be placed on the trolley in the corridor outside the classroom.

If your child wishes to bring a packed lunch, please try to pack a healthy lunch and make sure that food packets can be opened independently.

We do have a few rules that we respectfully ask you to observe:

  • No nuts or nut products of any kind. We have children at the school with nut allergies so this is vitally important.
  • Please do not send hot food, sweets, chocolate bars, fizzy drinks or drinks in glass bottles.
  • Children are not allowed to swap food or drinks.
  • Please supply your child's lunch in a durable, clean, named container, ideally with an ice block or similar in summer to keep the contents cool.

Children having a packed lunch eat in the dining hall with classmates who are having a school lunch. Children are encouraged not to throw away any uneaten packed lunch, so you can monitor what has been eaten.

Reception children have lunch together in their own area and whether the children have a school lunch or a packed lunch from home, they all eat together.

Food allergies

If your child has any food allergies, please ensure you notify the school on the admission form before your child starts school. Please notify the school in writing if an allergy is detected or worsens after your child has already started school. Please also ensure you supply details of any medication required and emergency contact details.

Milk at School

In line with the 'New School Food Plan' legislation, the school has mid-morning milk available to every child in school as follows:

Free milk is provided to all children under 5 years, if this is something you would like your child to have.

Free milk is provided for all children in receipt of statutory free school meal entitlement and is funded by school.

Subsidised milk is available at a current cost of 28p per day for all children over 5 years and is funded by those parents wishing to take up the offer.

Please register your child online via the Cool Milk website:  if your child is over 5 and you would like them to receive subsidised milk or ask the school office for a registration form.

The school will register those children under 5.

On request, the school will register those children who entitled to statutory free school meals.

Please contact Cool Milk for further information on 0844 854 2913.

Drinking water

This is available in every classroom and at all break-times. All children may bring in a named plastic water bottle from home.